‘The Making of You’ Podcast series is dedicated to inspiring and encouraging you to harness your infinite inner potential and build the life you’re meant to have. Discover ancient wisdoms...more
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Opportunity Mentor, Visionary, Author. Grew up in the Wild West of British Isles, Maths and Economic degrees from French/English University. Dedicated my life to teaching bespoke solutions to harness your unique inner assets, and creative potential, to build the life you truly want. I believe, you can change anything when you discover your inner resources and turn your past into the fuel for your future. Learn to apply these alchemical techniques and ancient wisdoms to navigate successfully through transformational times. I’m here to encourage and explain the reasons to apply and align with inner and outer fulfillment, in purposeful, practical and prosperous ways. If you want to have fun becoming the architect of your life, subscribe to ‘The Making of You’ Series, YourTransformationHub.com