5 Ways to be yourself

5 Ways to be yourself
The Making of You
5 Ways to be yourself

Feb 03 2025 | 00:15:06

Episode 8 February 03, 2025 00:15:06

Hosted By

Alexandria Walsh-Roberts

Show Notes

5 Ways to discover your unique infinite connection to understand yourself better. Insights, tools and wisdoms to energize, magnetize and realize self-loving alignment to support the person you’re meant to be.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:03] Welcome to the Making of you. I'm Alexandria, the founder of your Transformation Hub and the Mastery Project. And now this podcast. This series is dedicated to harnessing your unique potential, the understandings, tools for purpose, personal empowerment, and also about having fun, becoming the architect of your own life. [00:00:25] Okay, today we're on episode eight, and this is the five ways to Be yourself. [00:00:32] Now, perhaps being oneself is the most elusive concept and also one of the most fabulous when we harness it and are in alignment with it. So where do we start? Well, be yourself. Wow. It is an infinite subject. It is embracing all the consciousness on the planet, all our beautiful individuality, diversity, but also our inclusiveness. So, number one, harmony with heart and mind alignment. Okay, now what does that mean? Well, if you have listened to my podcasts previously, then you'll know I'm really big on heart mind alignment. And this for me is recognizing the two major components for our creative process and also how to use them. Okay, so the mind is very much for focusing energy in physical parameters, results, forms. Okay. [00:01:35] The heart is creative hq. All right, now, in our mind, yes, we of course need to be looking at resources. We need to be looking at time management. We need to be looking at the physical and practical ways that we bring our dreams into reality. This, of course, is vital. But also in the mind, there's an aspect of ourselves called the limited self. Now, the limited self kind of hangs out inside the cube, all right? The limited self basically doesn't like change, wants everything to be under control constantly, and has some scarce and limited perspectives about life. What the limited self is, is very lonely. So the limited self is always going to want to invite us into the mind. A little bit like Hotel California, we could check in. But the limited self wants to make sure we never leave. [00:02:36] So there is a tendency, when we think about the concept of being yourself, that that question is, well, what is that? But the answer is in our creative hq, our heart center. That's the source of infinite consciousness, infinite inspiration, imagination, innovation, all of the above. So we don't want to spend any more time in our heart, in our mind, answering that question, because we're going to go round in circles with our limited self. [00:03:07] Now, the limited self likes to drain us because it wants our energy and doesn't want us to leave so we can get into a situation where we start criticizing ourselves. We start looking at all our faults rather than the beautiful aspects of ourself that make up us. [00:03:24] So first and foremost, always remember, all right, your mind's great for questions. Your Mind's great for logistics and for administrating your life, but it's your heart that answers. It's your heart that helps you understand. It's your heart and that infinite flow of energy that is going to help you create the alternatives that you seek. So when you're being yourself, ask your heart first, all right? Don't get stuck in your head trying to be yourself and actually not having any commitments or any sketch of what that feels like and what that looks like. [00:04:04] So get in your heart for the answers of that question for yourself and celebrate in your heart. Because it's not only the we say romantic love center, all right, that's part of the heart, but the actual, true nature of the heart is that infinite portal of answers and the energy that creates everything in our life. So that's what we need to be looking at that also has the what is it like to be yourself in there? And we just need to download, listen and understand from the heart center. Okay? So number two, just make sure you are in your heart, like I said, all right? The limited self can be incredibly convincing. It can have a lot of intellectual arguments about what a particular concept is. Now, if you truly want to live and be that concept, you need to get in your heart to be it, to feel it, and to listen to your inner authority mental. Now, if you do that, then I recommend with being yourself that you feel the qualities that you most resonate with. [00:05:18] So that can be a very calming and a very balancing way to get into the zone of being comfortable with yourself. Now, this could be, for example, that you say, yeah, I consider myself to be a kind person, or I love being enthusiastic or. Or I really enjoy feeling peace and calm. And that will. That's what works for me. So really look at your qualities. And obviously, qualities are immaterial, but they're incredibly empowering and very, very important for the foundation of being yourself. And when we say be yourself or being yourself, of course, it is about listening. And it's a more passive state. You could say, I don't like the word passive because it mean it sort of sounds like it's not very useful when listening is one of the most underrated superpowers that we have. [00:06:18] So that always starts with listening to ourselves. And sometimes by listening to that inner voice, your intuition, your sensitivities, and simply by switching off the outside world, you can get a really good understanding of yourself because you are truly, as I said, listening to your inner authority mentor. [00:06:43] Okay? Now, at this point, a lot of people are going to say, yeah, but you might be conning yourself. You might be sort of selling yourself, your own propaganda. Well, number three, to be yourself, I do flag that it's important to be adaptable, to be flexible, and also to realize that sometimes we copy other people because we go, oh, that looks good, or that makes a good impression or they did it that way. So of course I'll just copy and adopt that way because it will work for me. [00:07:20] That may not be correct. All right, so my number three for be yourself is by all means, have a look at the buffet of life, if you will, and, and see how other people are embracing being themselves and, you know, the alternatives that they found or the ways that they found to find that space of balance and harmony and comfort within yourself in the sense of alignment. [00:07:46] But don't just outright copy, all right? Because copying is always going to be bit like a photocopy, a facsimile of a state that you want, but you need to do it in your unique way. So you might go, yeah, I really like that person because they're funny. [00:08:06] So you might go, how do I laugh about my life? What's my capacity to laugh and to be spontaneous and to enjoy humour? So look at it from that perspective rather than I'll laugh like them or, or I'll just copy what they do, all right? Because that is not authentic. It's not generated within yourself. [00:08:27] So your originality, your sense of be yourself comes from you. It doesn't come from a copy of someone else's actions. Okay? [00:08:39] So be flexible, observe others. Yes. Be self aware. How are you with the outside world. But equally, don't let that outside authority take, take over what you feel about yourself. Okay? So there can be some really useful reflections and pointers, but don't source everything that you feel about yourself from the outside. All right? [00:09:07] Okay, so number four, when we are finding out about ourselves, one of the best ways is simply to take leaps of faith, to mix things up a bit, to look at how, how open we are to transformation, to alternatives and to gaining basically experience. [00:09:33] So in a lot of ways, being yourself is actually understanding yourself under different circumstances. Okay, so a lot of people go, yeah, that's what I do. That's my character. So I make a big distinction between being yourself and your character. A lot of our character can be made up from what we've learned from other people, what we've been conditioned to be when we're children or when we're growing up or in mentoring or formative years. [00:10:03] So the key to Actually looking at being yourself is to recognize that experience is always going to help you, confidence going to help you grow. Now you can say to me then, no, what happens if you fail? Well, I've got a whole episode on failure, all right? I'm not going to get into that now. But it is very important for us to experience because it's always going to help. All right? So being open hearted, open minded is always going to grow us, all right? It's going to grow that balance. It's going to grow the confidence of saying, actually there is no failure, there is only learning. Okay? So the key to being yourself is enjoying being yourself, testing yourself, trying new things and embracing alternatives. So when you do that, people go, oh, I know, I know, I know. And I go, knowing isn't all of the journey. So the journey of being yourself is going, I know this intellectually, then, hmm, how am I going to apply that? Or what answer is that giving me? And then being able to say to yourself, it wasn't quite like I thought in the practical, but I adapted, I was flexible. I learned about my inequalities and being myself both in perhaps difficulty and struggle and also in joyousness and really nailing it and doing well. So it's a fabulous way to co create and also to celebrate yourself by being willing, open hearted, open minded and embracing of both the wisdom process and gaining that vital experience. [00:11:54] Okay, well my last point today about being yourself is realize that sometimes our limited self goes like this, all right? Now we are surrounded with social media and YouTube and like, like, like, all right, for lots of different platforms. [00:12:15] But I'd just like to flag here, being yourself is not about like, all right, it is about love, all right? Now when I say love, I don't mean vanity, all right? Sort of being infatuated or obsessed with yourself, talking about understanding the loving consciousness, understanding the reason behind things, all right? So being yourself is a journey and you're, as we've said in number four, accruing experience and wisdom. [00:12:48] But a lot of our world today is very much about doing what you like and avoiding what you don't like. When a lot of the learnings of ourselves is about doing stuff we don't like. All right? But it actually is simply. You remember that little guy I started with? Yep. Your limited self in the office of the mind. Well, that little guy, he's sitting there going, I don't like that. So I'm not getting out the cube and I don't want to risk and I don't want to Trust, don't want to do any of those things. So that's the little guy running your life, which you don't want because you're going to end up not being yourself, being frightened, being fearful, being a victim of your circumstances, unwilling to change, change, getting left behind. You're not going to be yourself, not to the fullest degree. So remember that just because you don't like it doesn't mean you can't learn from it. And the key to being ourselves and to learning that is progressively because we understand our qualities, because we've got our heart, mind alignment, because we've been flexible, and because we don't spend all that time romancing the foibles of our limited self, we're getting out there, getting experience. We're going to be in a space where we can actually turn what we don't like into some fabulous learning opportunities. All right? So it builds the person you are becoming, it honors being yourself. And you can have a big laugh about what you thought you feared. Because once you've gone on the journey from application to wisdom to experience, then you're going to go, hey, I actually overall learned a ton. And I learned a lot about myself and being myself. [00:14:30] Okay, I'm Alexandria, and thank you very much for joining me today. It's been my great pleasure to talk about being yourself. And if you'd like more content like this, then please visit your Transformation Hub and themasteryproject.com lots of very interesting journeys to go on there and also lots of ways to create authentic transformation and feel that you are becoming yourself with great confidence and to enjoy it. Okay, thank you very much.

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